Thursday, March 7, 2019

Nothing (Sol 2019)

     Sitting in my cold seat after just walking up the long stairs because we took a 7th grade group picture. “Uhm.” I thought. I open a new tap and click My Blogs Literally to look back at my old slices I did back in 6th grade. I cringe at most of them. “Nothing.” I thought. I sigh at the fact that I have nothing to write about. Then I thought, “I might as well write about this because a Slice of Life doesn’t have to be interesting.” So I just started writing about what happened.


  1. Awesome slice of life abouttt nothingggggg.

  2. I liked how you still find something to write about :)

  3. SO true. I'm doing the challenge right now and some of the posts are just so.... nothing, like you mentioned. This is something smart that writers learn when they have to publish lots!



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